Check-in & Check-out (Villa)

If the departure time of the last guests before you is on same day as your arrival you can - due to the necessary cleaning of the accommodation - usually only move in the accommodation at the standard check-in time indicated on the page with the description of the accommodation or later. If you plan to arrive later than at the standard check-in time, please notify the landlord 3 days prior to arrival by email or via the contact form on the page with the description of the accommodation. If the departure of the last guests before you is not on your arrival day or early on your arrival day, by arrangement an earlier check-in time than the standard check-in time on the day of arrival can be agreed upon (early check-in).

Early Check-in
If you would like to know whether an earlier check-in time than the standard check-in time on the day of arrival can be agreed upon (early check-in), please contact the landlord in this regard shortly before arrival (preferably 3 days before your arrival). At an earlier time the landlord usually can not give you any binding statement on this issue as this depends on the departure time of the last guests before you, which might be subject to change until shortly before your arrival because of a change of their flight time, a short term cancellation with subsequent new last minute booking or a short-term rebooking or simply because the landlord might not know their departure time before.

Handover of keys at arrival
The keys are handed over on site at the accommodation (unless you arrange a different handover location in agreement with the landlord), where the landlord or his representative will welcome you at the agreed upon time.

On the day of departure the accommodation by the standard check-out time has to be vacated and handed over in a clean as well as in a proper condition to the landlord or his representative (see Terms & Conditions). If you plan to leave before the standard check-out time indicated on the description page of the accommodation, please notify the landlord on arrival or 3 days before departure by e-mail or via the contact form on the page with the description of the accommodation. If the arrival of the next guests after you is not on your departure day or late on your departure day, by arrangement a later check-out time than the standard check-out time on the day of departure can be agreed upon (early check-in).

Late check-out
If you would like to know whether a later check-out time than the standard check-out time on the day of departure can be agreed upon (late check-out), please contact the landlord in this regard shortly before departure (preferably 3 days before your departure). At an earlier time the landlord usually can not give you any binding statement on this issue as this depends on the arrival time of the next guests after you, which might be subject to change until shortly before your departure because of a change of their flight time, a short term cancellation with subsequent new last minute booking or a short-term rebooking or simply because the landlord might not know their arrival time before.

Please refrain from contacting the landlord earlier than stated above concerning an early check-in or a late check-out. Due to the reasons stated above the landlord cannot make any binding statements earlier and therefore from our experience earlier enquiries only result in a duplication of efforts and a loss of time for both parties. Generally the landlord within the limits of his/her possibilities always tries to meet the your wishes concerning an earlier check-in time on arrival or a later check-ou time on departure.

Return of keys at departure
The keys are usually returned on site at the accommodation (unless you arrange a different handover location in agreement with the landlord), where the landlord or his representative will meet you at the agreed upon time.

Storing luggage on the day of arrival before check-in or on the day of departure after check-out
Since the property is a separate holiday house and not a hotel or an apartment house with a reception, it is unfortunately not possible to store your luggage on site on the day of arrival before check-in or on the day of departure after check-out.